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Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are our guide to increase our contribution to sustainable development.


EDGE develops projects and new opportunities in a wide range of ecological settings and is committed to managing its environmental impact and footprint in line with international best practice. We mitigate environmental risk through design optimization, impact assessment and roll-out of a project-level Integrated Management System.


As part of its service offering, EDGE can undertake the environmental impact assessment and permitting process for projects on behalf of its clients. We typically work with leading international consultancies partnered with local specialists in order to deliver impact assessments in line with national regulations and international standards. We also secure the necessary environmental permits for our projects and associated facilities.

Ethics and Intergrity

Our activities are governed at all times by the principles and behavioural guidelines set out in the company’s Code of Ethical Conduct. This is because ethics and integrity have been part of the company’s DNA since its inception, and our Code of Conduct is the business philosophy that outlines how to act respectfully towards each other and towards third parties.


Our Code of Ethical Conduct was built on the basis of our corporate identity, taking into account our vision, mission, purposes and principles.

These are the basic principles that our companies and all our employees must adhere to, and we expect everyone to act in an honest, transparent and socially responsible behavior.


People are the most important thing at EDGE, as they are the company’s talent, experience, knowledge, and business success. We are committed to the professional development of our employees, we encourage the creation of multicultural teams, we invest in innovation and technology to put it at the service of our workers.


Health and safety are the cornerstones of employee well-being, and essential elements for improving the competitiveness and sustainability of the company. The company, therefore, aims to foster a working environment that allows all employees to carry out their activities in good conditions and in complete safety.


We seek excellence in the execution of our projects through the continuous improvement of our processes, taking international standards as a reference, as well as the satisfaction of our clients.