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At Edge, we are committed to conducting our engineering operations in an environmentally responsible and sustainable manner. We recognize the importance of preserving and protecting the environment for current and future generations. This policy statement outlines our commitment to environmental sustainability and the principles that guide our actions.

Our Commitment

1. Environmental Responsibility: We are dedicated to minimizing our environmental impact by integrating sustainability into all aspects of our engineering projects, from design to implementation and beyond.

2. Compliance: We will adhere to all relevant environmental laws, regulations, and standards. We will continually monitor and assess our operations to ensure compliance and strive for continuous improvement.

3. Resource Efficiency: We will optimize resource use, including energy and water consumption, and minimize waste generation. We will actively seek out opportunities to reduce resource consumption and promote renewable resources.

4. Reducing Emissions: We will work to reduce greenhouse gas emissions associated with our operations. This includes lowering energy consumption, promoting clean energy sources, and adopting energy-efficient technologies.

5. Biodiversity Conservation: Our projects will consider the impact on local ecosystems and biodiversity. We will take steps to mitigate any adverse effects and promote the conservation of natural habitats.

6. Sustainable Materials: We will prioritize using sustainable materials and products in our engineering projects, giving preference to those with a lower environmental footprint and longer lifecycles.

7. Waste Reduction and Recycling: We will minimize waste generation and promote recycling and reuse of materials whenever feasible. We will manage hazardous waste responsibly and in accordance with applicable regulations.

8. Community Engagement: We will engage with local communities, stakeholders, and clients to foster environmental awareness and collaboration in achieving sustainability goals.

9. Employee Training: We will provide training and resources to our employees to ensure they understand and support our environmental sustainability efforts. We encourage employee participation in sustainability initiatives.

10. Continuous Improvement: We are committed to setting and regularly reviewing environmental performance goals and targets. We will strive for continuous improvement in our sustainability practices.