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Good Corporate Governance

At Edge, we are committed to upholding the highest standards of corporate governance. We believe that sound governance practices are essential for maintaining the trust of our stakeholders, ensuring accountability, and achieving sustainable business success. This policy statement outlines our dedication to sound corporate governance principles.

Our Commitment

1. Ethical Conduct: We will conduct our business with integrity, honesty, and transparency, adhering to the highest ethical standards. We will promote ethical behavior among all employees and stakeholders.

2. Stakeholder Engagement: We will engage with and consider the interests of all our stakeholders, including shareholders, employees, clients, suppliers, and the communities in which we operate. We will seek to balance these interests while ensuring long-term value creation.

3. Board Independence: Our board of directors will consist of a balanced composition of independent and non-independent directors to ensure effective oversight and decision- making.

4. Accountability: We will establish clear lines of accountability and responsibility throughout the organization. We will hold ourselves accountable for our actions and decisions.

5. Transparency: We will maintain transparency in our financial reporting, operations, and decision-making processes. We will provide timely and accurate information to shareholders and stakeholders.

6. Risk Management: We will implement robust risk management processes to identify, assess, and mitigate risks that may impact the company’s performance and reputation.

7. Compliance: We will comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and corporate governance codes. We will regularly review and update our governance practices to ensure compliance with evolving standards.

8. Conflicts of Interest: We will manage conflicts of interest among board members, executives, and employees to prevent any compromises to the company’s best interests.

9. Sustainability: We will integrate environmental, social, and governance (ESG) considerations into our business strategy and decision-making processes, promoting sustainable practices and long-term value creation.

10. Board Evaluation: We will conduct regular evaluations of the board’s performance, committees and individual directors to improve governance effectiveness.