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Health and safety

At Edge, we recognize the critical importance of integrating health, safety, and sustainability principles into our engineering operations. Our commitment to the well-being of our employees, the communities we serve, and the environment in which we operate is paramount. This policy statement outlines our dedication to maintaining a sustainable, safe, and healthy workplace.

Our Commitment

1. Safety First: We are committed to the safety and well-being of our employees, clients, contractors, and visitors. We will continually strive to eliminate workplace hazards, prevent accidents, and ensure that all employees return home safely every day.

2. Compliance: We will comply with all applicable health and safety laws, regulations, and industry standards. We will actively monitor and update our practices to ensure compliance and promote continuous improvement.

3. Environmental Responsibility: We will conduct our engineering projects in an environmentally responsible manner, minimizing negative impacts on the environment and ecosystems. This includes reducing emissions, conserving resources, and preventing pollution.

4. Resource Efficiency: We will optimize the use of resources, such as energy and water, to reduce waste and minimize our carbon footprint. We will invest in energy-efficient technologies and promote sustainable resource management.

5. Emergency Preparedness: We will maintain robust emergency response plans and procedures to ensure a rapid and effective response to any incidents that may pose a threat to health, safety, or the environment.

6. Training and Awareness: We will provide comprehensive health, safety, and sustainability training to our employees. We encourage a culture of safety and environmental awareness, where all employees actively participate in the identification and mitigation of risks.

7. Community Engagement: We will engage with local communities, stakeholders, and clients to address health, safety, and environmental concerns and build mutual trust and collaboration.

8. Continuous Improvement: We are committed to setting and regularly reviewing health, safety, and sustainability performance goals and targets. We will work towards continuous improvement in these areas.